Saturday, April 06, 2019

filling the interstitials

Small digital tasks are colonising our interstitial attention space. You know that of course, or you would if you had a moment. But you don't have a moment. It's useful time. It can be activated for any number of useful items of piecework, complete with prompts and reminders. Here's what I'm doing at the moment:

  • Google guides: My reviews have now had over 20,000 views, though how many of them have been simulated by click farms is open to question.
  • Google photos: My photos are as popular, with clear descriptive photos of local supermarkets way out ahead in the popularity ratings.
  • Google timeline: Picks up everywhere I (or the bus I'm in) hesitate briefly outside, and when its a place that closed years ago, I do feel compelled to tell Google this is the case.
  • Pokémon Go: Got to catch them all, and there are quite a lot of them.
  • Instagram: In particular accurately tagged descriptive images because Tim Berners Lee told me about the semantic web when I was a low ebb and it got built into my behaviours.
  • Facebook: A subsection of my social group conduct their business here, as do most of the music people.
  • Whatsapp: A further subsection of my social group conduct their business here.
  • Twitter: A further subsection of my social group conduct their business here, and I also use it for wildlife observations.
  • Flickr: A photographic timeline of visual significance in my life.
  • Livejournal: Because I'm not done with long-form blogging just yet.
  • Blogger: For all things gardening, as well as whatever this is.
 That can't be all, can it? There are surely some open channels that could be used still there.